
Member for 1554389139

5 Posts & Comments

Commented on unknown content 😴
Chdata 1589814610

Hm... the thing still moves a little.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Chdata 1557909004

You should make a pull request for this on the github.

Chdata 1554397009

And just so none of the bystanders here think I'm some random who's making up a story, here's a video I uploaded weeks prior to this submission, of the shader I was editing: I really hate to put out a message like this, but I think there's something to be learned about this situation.

Chdata 1554396443

I've kinda lost a lot of my drive to learn how to improve my own branch of the shader and do more funny things with it for now. Not as much point showing this off to people when it's quickly become commonly known. The edits I made weren't really groundbreaking either.
I would've been happy to just share my edit with you and some of your friends somewhat privately, as I am quite grateful for the tip you gave me about using certain shaders, and you seem nice.

I suppose I just hope you'll be more considerate of the next person you find with a really exciting effect they were working on.

Chdata 1554396383

I guess I'll come out and say it. I'm just not really pleased about this hypno shader getting posted.

This honestly feels the same as avatar theft - having something that was once unique and identifiable to me, suddenly end up being just distributed out to everyone.

The thing is, you did this by completely clean means. It's all entirely justifiable, and your own work. You found a very similar, though different, shader, which is also public domain (as most/all ShaderToys seem to be), and converted and improved it with your own knowledge.

(Probably with help from the the good ol' ShaderMan tool)