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7 Posts & Comments

Commented on unknown content 😴
ExDe707 1569960088

Oh, boob_right seems to have some weight paint on the whole right arm and hand as well. https://i.gyazo.com/5d748255ffd67ce410f9a89eaa3c40fe.png
EDIT: The male model has a lot more weight painting issues than I anticipated. I suggest you manually adjust the weight painting yourself. There's redundant vertex groups, weight painting on places that shouldn't be, shoddy application and other stuff. I believe you just applied the weight painting automatically and it butchered it.

Commented on unknown content 😴
ExDe707 1569953722

Follow up on my comment, it's a weight painting issue. Right shoulder and hand bones put weight on the right fingers. Fortunately it's easily fixable.

Commented on unknown content 😴
ExDe707 1569949258

Male version has issues with the right hand: https://i.gyazo.com/1465bd4dc31751ae0f61dcc859fade9c.png https://i.gyazo.com/d9b10d38b5b036eb6d38e515c955102b.mp4

ExDe707 1554823718

This is what I saw in Unity when I viewed the animation. https://i.gyazo.com/53464565bb766b138f6402f0d35d50f6.mp4

ExDe707 1548596135

Disregard my issue! I've resolved this by doing the following: Go into seated mode and drastically reduce user real height. Here's the result: https://i.imgur.com/dONCBHE.mp4

ExDe707 1548553935

I tried scaling the arms on my own, making them smaller makes it worse and making them larger doesn't really resolve the issue. With normal scaling, I have to hang my controllers on my fingers and make them reach all the way down my knees so the arms straighten out when my own are resting.

ExDe707 1548542163

Hey, 5'5" Oculus Rift user here. I'm getting issues with the arms, when they are in a resting position, the arms of the avatar are bent. I've asked around and this seems to be an issue with the model itself. Here's a video demonstrating the issue, with a default avatar being used as comparison first: https://youtu.be/sqEGJtO04Gk