
Member for 1518307937

5 Posts & Comments

Julianno 1520383413

13K polygons!! Yaay! Some room for extra stuff. Now need to find a way to make the cannons on head tilt down and fire. Great upload. +1 from me but try and upload one with scene file for the people who don't really know how or just don't have time to mod things.

Julianno 1520382701

GingerHitmanYT If you decimate this to legal limit the character is going to look broken. I've just tried to decimate it and the results are very bad. Just have to accept that some models are unusable in VRChat or upload this using modded VRC SDK and risk getting banned. The choice is yours.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Julianno 1520024110

The fingers are a bit broken. Other than that it's a great upload. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/937184098691614235/F3182FAE89A77194421288E9CB955AB0FF70538F/

Julianno 1519267622

https://prnt.sc/ii3ep2Took a screenshot after importing the re-uploaded file. Steelhardt see if that's how it should be or if something is wrong here. Let us know and maybe try exporting whole project again. Lot's of people want this avatar.

Julianno 1518659655

@Steelahardt I have VR SDK and everything else that is needed for uploading to VRChat. Once I open unity package I can't find the SELECT ME scene you mentioned. There is only reinhardtUPLOAD scene file and rest are animations, models, materials etc.