
Member for 1518059882

10 Posts & Comments

Accelerator 1572115053

Would rather pay for it and for the other shaders you have leaked. I like to make animations which are not made in cancer style. So yeah i'm not gonna download it. Pretty disrespectful to leak all of it.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Accelerator 1571120198

disgusting sex

Commented on unknown content 😴
Accelerator 1570016152

I still don't get it why some people get so triggered when they get blocked, muted or when their avatar gets hidden.

Accelerator 1569672235

Other than that, your animation avatars are super annoying in public. You should put a warning in your discord or somewhere else to tell people that your avatars or assets aren't really meant for the public visitings. No one really appreciates it to get ear/eye raped out of nowhere.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Accelerator 1558198061

Looks like epilepsy for me. I should just keep animating manually.

Accelerator 1556680061

The hair doesn't really fit...

Accelerator 1556520554

Why do you people keep complaining? It's your goddamn fault if your stuff gets stolen because you uploaded it somewhere for FREE. And just to let you know, you don't own the stuff anymore when you upload it to VRChat. You don't own it anyways if it has some MMD parts from DeviantArt. All rights go to the ACTUAL CREATORS and not to you plebs. So THINK before you upload your shit and please don't even try to care if your stuff gets copied or ripped. I don't even understand that stupid and childish autism gang shit.

Accelerator 1550865085

Thank you daddy <3

Accelerator 1543803434

*Took original model, removed the old hair, put kisaragi's hair on it, done.*

Accelerator 1518059985

Yo, what the hell happened to the textures?