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5 Posts & Comments

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Deacold 1536008224

Good gods. I just started using v1.2, and now this comes out? XDNice job, btw.

Deacold 1535685788

Oh, and just click on the body, head to the descriptor on the right, and tap on the drop down. Mouse over CubedParadox, and select Flat Lit Toon. No more pink

Deacold 1535685685

@Alfyboi23 So I figured out what happened, 'cause it happened to me, and the fix is rather easy. See, the model comes with its own cubed shaders, so if you upload your own, then the two will practically cancel one another out.So just delete the Cubed Unity Shaders folders in the assets, and reupload the shader. And there ya go. Easy fix, yah.

Deacold 1534705431

YUSS! Thank you!

Deacold 1534649348

Now ya just need a DeeDee avatar upload, and it'll be golden