
Member for 1517662300

9 Posts & Comments

Ksubaki 1677074220

Discord invite is expired, but maybe u can answer here, did you make the bears? i wanna know if its ok for me to edit this for a friend for a vtubing model, credit will be given ofc

Commented on unknown content 😴
Ksubaki 1598085886

what unity version was used for this pls? im having some trouble with some errors, and the unity version might be it

Ksubaki 1597010964

its not letting me upload this, can someone help pls?

Ksubaki 1596879770

hi i have a question, i noticed ou making some busty avatars, was wondering if you could teach me how to do that. i have some avatars that look pretty flat to me and would like to increase the bust

Ksubaki 1568182591

well found the model in VRCMODS folder ver 5.0 Blue, but i dnt see materials for it....so textures its just a pink blob

Ksubaki 1519725341

oooo i want it its so cute, pls tell when u upload it =D

Ksubaki 1517768881

has this been downsized to less than 20k polygons pls?

Ksubaki 1517734833

Why submit it when its so heavy on the polygons? i really wanted her but im not gonna risk getting banned D:

Ksubaki 1517662350

i cant wait for this,i want it so bad