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21 Posts & Comments

Naelily 1586548202

As of the latest update, the "reverse the Z position (make it negative)" trick no longer works. They keep fucking with the avatar rigidbody physics.

Naelily 1586548155

The eyes use the Dmm eye shader, they will look blank in Blender. I've no experience with Blender 2.8x, I use 2.79. Note that the "run boost" no longer works in vrchat as of the latest update, and I've found no fixes.

Naelily 1579825505

It's finicky and takes practice but it can be used to run quickly forward after a jump, though in my experience a run-backwards catches the collider better at the start.

Naelily 1579825488

Ever since they changed the collision interpolation on avatars, it made this go wonky. To fix this (partially), change the Z coordinate on the Transform of "Accelerator" to negative.

Naelily 1574208287

I will be planning on uploading the model & blender files with this fix applied soon.

Naelily 1573406776


Naelily 1555287529

@Animemadhatter2021 Neither Brausshows nor anybody who did edits on it own the legal intellectual property rights to the model. The model is made from assembled parts. Quoting Brausshows: "Copyright?? CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA, INC , EA , Koei Tecmo , Team Ninja". If we are talking "ownership" we are talking legal ownership of intellectual property rights, and those companies are it (as well as Tda who made the vocaloid base stuff like the face from scratch). It's common for deviantArt MMD creators/editors to post credits and rules for use but those are unenforceable aside from them taking the download(s) down from the page. Nothing wrong with being thoughtful about usage, but it's important to keep the facts straight.

Naelily 1555287044

@helloiamaperson I'm not quite sure what you mean; it depends on your blender preparation of the fbx export being done proper and how you have the avatar setup in Unity. What do you mean by chest moving up? If you have any screenshots/video to help illustrate I can try to see what's up.

Naelily 1554983404

Just updated the blender files zip to have a more anatomically complete base model. Enjoy!

Naelily 1554523701

@PillarMann The context is calling it the German "hakenkreuz" (hook cross) and calling it German specifically. The poster gave it a fascist context on purpose.

Naelily 1554482939

@JapariNeko I've updated the blender links to have .blend files with the images packed, which will fix this issue. You can either re-download them, or you can reassign the textures in Blender's Texture tab and browse to the appropriate image in the included Textures folder. Thanks for pointing this out!

Naelily 1554452057

Racist garbage. For those unfamiliar, a hakenkreuz is a swastika.

Naelily 1554316916

@MemoMii Updated to have an alternate link (MediaFire). Thank you!

Naelily 1554273320

@Mojion Nice catch on the avatar ID, I must have overlooked it. Also restructured the folders as you suggested. I don't recommend folks have multiple avatars in one scene or project, but this should help folks keep their projects organized, as you mentioned. Thanks!

Naelily 1554218008

@coolfox24 You don't need the shaders linked on the bottom of the info, those are mentioned for reference/credit. You need Dynamic Bone script and the latest VRChat SDK (and add them to your project *first* before importing the avatar package). Those two things are *not* included in the unitypackage but are pretty easy to find.

Naelily 1554186159

@Animemadhatter2021 The model should be able to be uploaded per the instructions without issue. Could you make a fresh project for this according to the How to Use instructions and link me a screenshot of the error(s) you're getting?

Naelily 1554185829

@Kassatsu Thank you!

Naelily 1554185303

@coolfox24 Two options for fixing that really. Option 1 is to just make a new project, import vrchat sdk + dynamic bone script, go to VRChat SDK menu -> Settings and make sure you are logged in, import the avatar package, then upload afresh. Option 2 is to click Detach on Pipeline Server component on the avatar (click the avatar in your scene Hierarchy tab, then on the Inspector tab, scroll down to find Pipeline Manager, and click the Detach button).

Naelily 1554185186

@Zevvy That is true and this model could definitely be optimized to allow for the tail/ears and still have Medium. Some editing with the blender files using Cat's bone weight merge tool can really be handy and definitely feel free to make edits!

Naelily 1554148860

@coolfox24 You might need to reimport the VRChat SDK (make sure you are on Unity 2017.4.15f1 and the SDK is the latest one). To do this, exit Unity, then in Explorer go to your project folder and delete "Plugins" folder, "VRCSDK" folder, "Plugins.meta", and "VRCSDK.meta" in your Assets folder. Open up Unity again, open your project, then immediately import the SDK afresh. If you still have problems you might want to check your internet connection and that there isn't anything causing problems from antivirus software/firewall/etc.

Naelily 1554126969

Quick guide to making it Medium rank:
-Delete the dynamic bones for the wolf ears and wolf tail.
-Set the "HideWolftail" and "HideWolfears" blend shapes to 100.
-Remove the colliders from the Chest dynamic bone.
-Add all "++hair" bones on the Head hierarchy to the Exclusions list on the Head dynamic bone.

This should result in 30 dynamic bone transforms and 0 collision checks, making it Medium rank.
It will lack the wolf ears/tail but will otherwise work just fine.