
Member for 1543632130

35 Posts & Comments

Kassatsu 1588768869

nose isn't big enough

Kassatsu 1588033372

We've successfully defeated the entire United States military!

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1587670564

Look Gordon, a rope! We can use these to get across large-HELP ME GORDON

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1575043624

THAT was supposed to be $30? Hahahahahahaha

Kassatsu 1574109107

four-eyed sex

Kassatsu 1573687809

I like that trump's wall is item #69 on this website.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1573592048

Seems like the moral of the story behind most ripped/leaked content being uploaded here is don't be a dick to people smarter than you.

Replied to a comment on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1572661681

loli fox sex FBI open up

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1569959043

thicc af

Kassatsu 1565456669

I had no idea I needed these.

Kassatsu 1564850163

The moral of the story is probably don't be an asshole to the person you requested or commissioned work from.

Kassatsu 1564267519

Finally, my gender is represented in VRChat.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1563051798

Obligatory "where do I get that avatar?" comment.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1559949403

Since you asked so nicely, I might as well.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1559532144

Is that a custom meme bro?

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1558655989

Ha, his comments were deleted as I was typing mine.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1558655936

Imagine being such a desperate white knight that you jump to conclusions and try to defend content creators even when they don't want you to, or have already given permission to redistribute their work. He's not even trying to sell it so lol
Assembling parts you didn't make yourself and don't have a license to does not give you ownership over the finished product. Even using a single part you don't have the rights to use can potentially void any claim of ownership. But that's been discussed to death many times before and people refuse to acknowledge this, so I don't know why I even bother anymore.

Kassatsu 1558555931

Finally, a reason to get full body tracking.

Kassatsu 1556306136

You should totally delete this. What if the original creator decides not to share their future work publicly? Think of the four MMD videos no one will watch that will never get created!
If you don't want people to redistribute your work, don't upload it publicly. It's not like you can file a lawsuit to protect your intellectual property when you don't even own it in the first place. Just be glad the creators are being credited (and given free publicity - it's just as easy to upload something like this WITHOUT a link to the creator's page) and move on.

Kassatsu 1555900055

Nice one. This is just my opinion, but without the tattoos/text on the face it would be even better.

Kassatsu 1555444966

I want to see you partake in my hobbies and prove that you can do them too, but I don't expect you to spend a few thousand dollars and several weeks learning how to do them so I won't ask you to. Hopefully you'll forgive me for not spending a week learning to assemble an MMD model from prefabs and rig it when I have zero interest in doing so.
Props for not giving up and rage quitting though. Always nice to see people who realize they can't actually control others with a disclaimer on the internet. While I'm at it, thanks for what you do with your models. I don't use them, I won't use this one (especially not in vrchat), and I likely never will, but I do realize that it still takes work to put these together.

Kassatsu 1555289882

I feel no guilt or pity for anyone that has "their" model get "stolen" and uploaded as a VRC avatar provided it's a bunch of prefabs they don't own, and even less so if it uses copyrighted material owned by another company or individual like this model apparently does.
If they modelled it from scratch themselves, that's another story entirely. That's a LOT more work than something as simple as assembling and rigging a bunch of prefabs and they could probably make an actual argument over legal ownership, even if the source material it's based on is copyrighted.

Want silly rules? Make a private discord and only send your prefab models to people you trust to not turn it into a VRChat avatar or whatever.

Kassatsu 1554148809

What. Someone put together a model from free parts and isn't trying to claim it as purely their own OC do not steal? I don't know you but you have my respect.

Kassatsu 1552774206

Always upvote and download hoppou.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1548362005

I do like me some hoppou cosplays.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1546224415

A USB stick that gives you cancer and gets you addicted to cigarettes. All the cool kids are doing it.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1546114077

Imagine getting this butthurt over a frankenmodel assembled from parts you didn't make and don't own. I own this specific combination of parts readily available elsewhere, do not redistribute or else. I guess they should stop making Atelier games because people ripped the costumes and put them on MMD models.
If you actually made the parts and model yourself, fine. Make whatever rules you want. If people don't follow them, that's on them. If you simply assemble parts available elsewhere, or rip costumes from other copyrighted works, you have zero right to ask people to not redistribute it because YOU already broke the rule you're trying to create on a model that's not even yours.

Commented on unknown content 😴
Kassatsu 1545082814

Just FYI there's an NSFW bit on the body texture. Super easy to fix yourself, but it doesn't really serve a purpose on this avatar. You could probably drop the polycount quite a bit with some decimation as well (didn't see anything in the readme about modifying it so if you're able to maybe consider it), since her entire body is shown underneath her clothes.
That aside, this is a great model. I do love me some girls frontline.

Kassatsu 1543633640

Thanks for this. Only complaint I can come up with is that the forehead being visible through the shader on the hair makes it look massive. I switched to an opaque shader and mimicked it as best I could but it's nowhere near as good as the gem shader.